Category: New Titles

National Translation Month 2019: Featured Literature in Translation from Azerbaijan, France, Russia, and Uzbekistan

National Translation Month 2019: Featured Literature in Translation from Azerbaijan, France, Russia, and Uzbekistan

Happy National Translation Month! We’re celebrating all month on the blog—earlier this week, we published a guest post from translator Christopher Fort on the legacy of Uzbek writer Abdulhamid Sulaymon o’g’li Cho’lpon and his unfinished dilogy Night and Day.

Today, we’ve put together a sampler full of excerpts from four novels, a memoir, a book of essays, and a collection of short stories, translated from Russian, French, and Uzbek.

Now in Paperback: Akram Aylisli’s Farewell, Aylis

Now in Paperback: Akram Aylisli’s Farewell, Aylis

Farewell, Aylis: A Non-Traditional Novel in Three Works, the English translation of embattled Azerbaijani writer Akram Aylisli’s novellas, is now available in paperback!

Learn more and order the paperback edition here.

New Titles Ready for Course Adoption

New Titles Ready for Course Adoption

Teaching a course in Russian and East European literature or film in a coming semester? Need a text to assign and help guide the course? Check out our selection of literature and film readers, companions to classic texts, and anthologies of poetry and prose below!

All titles featured come in affordable paperback editions accessible to students. If you’re interested in assigning any of our books for a course and would like to request a copy, click here to fill out an examination copy form.