Happy National Translation Month! We’re celebrating all month on the blog—earlier this week, we published a guest post from translator Christopher Fort on the legacy of Uzbek writer Abdulhamid Sulaymon o’g’li Cho’lpon and his unfinished dilogy Night and Day.
Today, we’ve put together a sampler full of excerpts from four novels, a memoir, a book of essays, and a collection of short stories, translated from Russian, French, and Uzbek.
This September, we’re proud to announce several new works of literature in translation coming soon, as well as celebrate translations from our backlist. Check out new and forthcoming books featured in the sampler below, along with some highlights from our backlist. And be sure to follow along this month on Twitter, Facebook, and the blog as we continue to feature new works in translation!
Featured in the Sampler
Farewell, Aylis: A Non-Traditional Novel in Three Works by Akram Aylisli, translated from the Russian by Katherine E. Young
Night and Day by Abdulhamid Sulaymon o’g’li Cho’lpon, translated from the Uzbek by Christopher Fort
Beyond Tula: A Soviet Pastoral by Andrei Egunov-Nikolev, translated from the Russian by Ainsley Morse
Where There Is Danger by Luba Jurgenson, translated from the French by Meredith Sopher
21: Russian Short Prose from an Odd Century, edited by Mark Lipovetsky
The Raskin Family: A Novel by Dmitry Stonov, translated from the Russian by Konstantin Gurevich & Helen Anderson with a forward and afterword by Leonid Stonov
Russian Cuisine in Exile by Pyotr Vail and Alexander Genis, translated from the Russian by Angela Brintlinger and Thomas Feerick
More Literature in Translation
New York Elegies: Ukrianian Poems on the City, edited by Ostap Kin
Voices of Jewish-Russian Literature, edited by Maxim D. Shrayer
The White Chalk of Days: The Contemporary Ukrainian Literature Series Anthology, edited by Mark Andryczyk
Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine, edited by Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky