About ASP Open

Recent Open Access Titles

What is ASP Open?

ASP Open is Academic Studies Press’s Open Access publishing option. ASP Open is designed to help you publish, distribute, and advertise your research in digital format for a broad readership. When you choose to publish with ASP Open, your peer-reviewed book is released for free in digital format on the ASP Open website on the same day that the print version of your book is available for purchase. Publishing Open Access ensures that you can post a copy of your book on your faculty or personal website, send as many digital copies as you would like to friends and colleagues, and, depending on the licensing agreement, encourage creative, commercial reuse. For most scholars and researchers, Open Access means expanding readership beyond the printed page and democratizing the distribution of research around the globe.

Like all titles published by Academic Studies Press, ASP Open titles are rigorously peer-reviewed, professionally copyedited and indexed, and carefully proofread. Print copies are still adorned with striking cover art, an e-book version is still available, and your entire project benefits from a careful marketing plan. We actively advertise and promote ASP Open books, and ensure that all titles are listed in The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).


To protect the integrity of your book when it is published online, ASP Open publishes under the terms of Creative Commons Licenses (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/). Our standard license, the CC BY-NC, allows readers to excerpt and share your work for non-commercial purposes (such as a lecture or blog-post) so long as you are properly cited. Other licenses forbid any derivatives from being made of your work (e.g., CC BY-NC-ND), while others allow substantive changes and commercial reuse (e.g., CC BY). We are happy to help you select the license that is most appropriate for your book and meets the demands of your institution or funding agency.    

Publication Charges

ASP Open charges $11,600 to publish a monograph or collected edited volume Open Access. This includes all services related to production such as copyediting and indexing. Manuscripts in excess of 125,000 words may be subject to additional charges for these services.

Funding & Mandates

Many research institutions and funding bodies increasingly require that research is published Open Access.  You can find a list of universities, research institutions and research funders that require or request their researchers to provide open access to their peer-reviewed research on the Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP).

A number of US institutions make Open Access funds available through library or department budgets. We recommend checking with your institution’s Office of Scholarly Communication to see if Open Access funds are available.

European scholars may be eligible to receive Open Access funds through FP7 or Horizon 2020.

Retroactive Open Access

Academic Studies Press is pleased to offer our previously published authors the opportunity to retroactively publish their work Open Access. Please contact [email protected] for more information. 


Authors publishing in any ASP subscription journal may choose to publish their article Open Access.

Articles published Open Access:

  • undergo rigorous double-blind peer review
  • appear alongside other articles in the print edition of the journal
  • are made available to readers for free on the day the print version is released
  • may be archived or uploaded wherever the author wants


Academic Studies Press publishes articles Open Access under the terms of Creative Commons Licenses (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/). Our standard license, the CC BY-NC, allows readers to excerpt and share your work for non-commercial purposes (such as a lecture or blog-post) so long as you are properly cited. Other licenses forbid any derivatives from being made of your work (e.g., CC BY-NC-ND), while others allow substantive changes and commercial reuse (e.g., CC BY). We are happy to help you select the license that is most appropriate for your article and meets the requirements of your institution or funding agency.   

ASP charges $975 to publish an article Open Access with a CC BY-NC or CC BY-NC-ND license. This Article Processing Charge (APC) is paid by the author’s academic institution or funding body. For a list of academic institutions that cover faculty members’ APCs, please visit http://www.oacompact.org/signatories/.

Publication Charges

ASP is dedicated to helping authors research and secure funding for Open Access Publishing. Please direct all questions about publishing Open Access in ASP journals to [email protected]                                           

As a member of OASPA, Academic Studies Press adheres to its Code of Conduct and is engaged with the association on developing best practice in open access publishing.