Table of Contents
Cover Picture: An Explanatory Note
List of Contributors
A Note on Transliteration
Kari Aga Myklebost, Jens Petter Nielsen and Andrei Rogatchevski, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Part One: The Northern Impact
1. The Russian Revolution and Civil War in the North: Contemporary Approaches and Understanding
Vladislav I. Goldin, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk
2. The Russian Revolution in Sweden: Some Genetic and Genealogical Perspectives
Klas-Gøran Karlsson, University of Lund, Sweden
3. The Idea of a Liberal Russia: The Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Norwegian Slavist Olaf Broch
Kari Aga Myklebost UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
4. Arkhangelsk Province and Northern Norway in 1917–1920: Foreign Property and Capital after the October Revolution of 1917
Tatiana Troshina and Ekaterina Kotlova, Northern (Arctic) Federal University,
5. Russian Emigration to Norway after the Russian Revolution and Civil War
Victoria Tevlina, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
6. Soviet Diplomacy in Norway and Sweden in the Interwar Years: The Role of Alexandra Kollontai
Åsmund Egge, University of Oslo
7. Apprentices of the World Revolution: Norwegian Communists at the Communist University of the National Minorities of the West (KUNMZ) and the International Lenin School, 1926–1937
Ole Martin Rønning, The Norwegian Labor Movement Archives and Library, Oslo
8. The Impact of the October Revolution on the North-Norwegian Labor Movement
Hallvard Tjelmeland, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
Part Two: Beyond
9. Avant-garde Artists vs. Reindeer Herders: The Kazym Rebellion in Aleksei Fedorchenko’s Angels of the Revolution (2014)
Andrei Rogatchevski, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
10. 1917: The Evolution of Russian Émigré Views to the Revolution
Catherine Andreyev, University of Oxford
11. Russian Revolutions Exhibited: Behind the Scenes
Ekaterina Rogatchevskaia, The British Library
12. The Revolution of 1917 and the Kremlin’s Policy of Remembrance
Jens Petter Nielsen, UiT. The Arctic University of Norway
Index of Names