Lithuanian Studies without Borders (Series)

Series Editor: Darius Staliunas (Lithuanian Institute of History)

Editorial Board:

  • Zenonas Norkus (Vilnius University)
  • Shaul Stampfer (Hebrew University)
  • Giedrius Subacius (University of Illinois at Chicago)

This series is designed for all authors in the fields of Lithuanian history, political science, anthropology, linguistics, literary studies, ethnology, and sociology. Lithuania is understood in its multicultural variety, encompassing changes in its identity over its millennial history, so the series also welcomes proposals in Jewish, Baltic, East Central European, and Eastern European studies which are related to the region in this broader understanding. It does not promote any specific scholarly critical methodology, nor does it limit itself to any period, genre, or author grouping in Lithuanian studies. The primary criteria for acceptance will be quality of research, conceptual robustness, clarity of thought, and elegance of style. Interdisciplinary and comparative projects are welcome. The vetting process will be rigorous and blind, with readers normally including a specialist with appropriate expertise and a member of the editorial board. Translations of works previously published in other languages (Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Hebrew) will be considered.


“We are glad that Lithuanian scholars, who have been reproached for lacking international reach time and again, have gained yet another solid platform for sharing their research with the world. We can only hope that the promising beginning to this series will turn it into a successful long-term project, which not only opens the door to the poorly known world of Lithuanian studies but also encourages researchers in Lithuania to advance their work. It seems that advancement will certainly be necessary for further publications, as the bar has been set quite high with this first book in the series. ”

— Arūnas Streikus (Vilnius University) in Knygų aidai, 2016 no. 4