The Twin Children of the Holocaust: The Humanity Behind the Horror, with author Nancy Segal

Danish Jewish Museum Proviantpassagen 6 1218 København, Denmark

Join The Twin Children of the Holocaust author Nancy L. Segal at the Danish Jewish Museum for a lecture where she’ll outline the fate of the twin children were subjected to brutal medical experiments at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

From the event organizer:

The lecture will briefly summarize the children’s fates in the camp, but will then focus on the twins’ lives – a presentation that brings their humanity to the fore.

Questions surrounding what happened to the twins after liberation, their attempts to bring Mengele to justice, their current struggles and the resilience that enabled them to rebuild their lives will be explored.

All of this is based on Dr. Nancy Segal’s extensive interviews and photographs of the twins, taken on the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, January 27, 1985; the Yad Vashem hearing on Mengele’s war crimes; the investigation surrounding Mengele’s death; the ethical dilemmas surrounding the use of data based on Mengele’s studies of the twins; and last but not least, Dr. Segal talk about his continued contact with the twins and their families.

The lecture is based on a book published by dr. Nancy Segal in 2023, an annotated collection of photos: The Twin Children of the Holocaust: Stolen Childhood and the Will to Survive.

When: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 14:00 CEST

Where: Danish Jewish Museum, Proviantpassagen 6, 1218 København K.

Learn more & register here.