Contemporary European Studies (Russian-Language)

Book series under the imprint of Academic Studies Press (Boston, US) and Bibliorossica (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Academic Studies Press is pleased to announce the launch of the new Russian-language series Contemporary European Studies. This series features outstanding scholarly monographs in the field of European studies, with a particular focus on European intellectual history, sociology, culture, art, and urban studies. Volumes in Contemporary European Studies are written by leading American and European scholars and presented in Russian translation for the first time. The series’ mission is to promote the understanding of Europe as a whole and its many nations and cultures individually among the Russophone readership. Due to language constraints, many Russian-speaking readers are only exposed to the most recent and highly publicized foreign-language scholarship available in Russian translation. ASP aims to broaden the availability of content by translating and publishing the most innovative and perennial titles, thus promoting international scholarly excellence to bridge the divide between Russian and foreign-speaking scholars.

Contemporary European Studies builds upon ASP’s existing expertise in curating, translating, and publishing translations successfully demonstrated by titles published in our Contemporary Western Rusistika series. Titles in Contemporary European Studies are available in both quality print and digital formats with active promotion and distribution aimed at Russian-speaking readers across Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and beyond.

Contemporary European Studies features several sub-series devoted to subject areas such as, but not limited to, modernism and avant-garde art, European music heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and metahistory and the dissemination of scholarly knowledge in early modern Europe. Titles will be of interest to both the academic and the general reader, with scholarly research and in-depth analysis of sources presented in an engaging and accessible manner.


«БиблиоРоссика» представляет новую переводную серию «Современная европеистика», выпускающуюся издательством в партнерстве с американским издательством «Academic Studies Press». Серия посвящена интеллектуальной истории, политике, социологии, культуре, искусству и урбанистике европейского региона и отдельных его стран. Миссия проекта — познакомить читателя со взглядом современных западных (европейских и американских) ученых на исторические процессы и культурное наследие региона, игравшего ключевую роль в развитии человеческой цивилизации на протяжении многих веков. Также в рамках серии будет рассматриваться национальная проблематика отдельных европейских государств, многие из которых имеют тесные исторические и культурные связи с Россией. «Современная европеистика» призвана пролить свет на то, что делало и продолжает делать — несмотря на нарастающую разобщенность и обостряющиеся противоречия — Европу единым регионом, и помочь расширить диалог культур через современные исследования, новые подходы и исторические перспективы.

В рамках общей серии планируется выход нескольких подсерий, посвященных таким темам как модернизм и авангардное искусство, переплетения политики и драматургии в XX веке, музыка европейского Средневековья и Ренессанса как источник исторической памяти, метаистория и распространение научных знаний и информации в Европе, а также многим другим. Представленные в серии монографии публикуются на русском языке впервые и сочетают по-научному глубокую проработку вопросов и анализ источников с доступным стилем изложения и актуальностью тем, что свойственно качественной литературе в жанре нон-фикшн.

Проект «Современная европеистика» опирается на накопленный опыт издания других серий «БиблиоРоссики» и, в первую очередь, — также выпускающейся под двойным импринтом серии «Современная западная русистика». Книги новой серии отличает то же высокое качество издания, которое уже хорошо известно русскоязычному читателю.

Main Contact

Valentina Kucheryavenko
Lead Acquisitions Editor, Russian-Language Publications
Contemporary European Studies (CES)
Contemporary American Studies (CAS)

Current Titles

Gescheiterte Aufklärung

Georg Cavallar, Mariya Bulycheva

Between the Pagan Past and Christian Present in Byzantine Visual Culture

Paroma Chatterjee, Maria Bykova

Distant Strangers

James Vernon, Elisaveta Volkova

The Military Enlightenment

Christy Pichichero, Julia Gimatova

The Metahistory of Western Knowledge in the Modern Era

Mark E. Blum, Albert Sarkisyanc

The Dutch Moment

Wim Klooster, Nikolay Protsenko

Infectious Ideas

Justin K. Stearns, Dmitrii Galcin

Too Much to Know

Ann M. Blair, Elena Tarasova

Embattled Avant-Gardes

Walter L. Adamson, Olga Barash

Brokers of Modernity

Martin Kohlrausch, Anastasia Rudakova

Music of the Renaissance

Laurenz Lütteken, Galina Potapova

Medieval Music and the Art of Memory

Anna Maria Busse Berger, Marina Akimova

The Art and Culture of Scandinavian Central Europe

Kristoffer Neville, Olga Ermakova

Réinventer le Travail (Reinventing Work in Europe)

Dominique Méda, Patricia Vendramin, Daria Demidova

Recent Acquisitions

Intellectual History / History of Ideas

  • Ann Blair, Too Much to Know: Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age (Yale University Press, 2011) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Mark Blum, The Metahistory of Western Knowledge in the Modern Era: Four Evolving Metaparadigms,  1648 to Present (Anthem Press, 2021) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023

Modernism Studies

  • Walter Adamson, Embattled Avant-Gardes: Modernism’s Resistance to Commodity Culture in Europe (University of California Press, 2007) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Martin Kohlrausch, The Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950 (Leuven University Press, 2019) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Laura Ann Winkiel, Modernism, Race and Manifestos (Cambridge University Press, 2011) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2025
  • Annie Pfeifer, To the Collector Belong the Spoils: Modernism and the Art of Appropriation (Cornell University Press, 2023) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2025

Medieval Studies

  • Claire Weeda, Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250: Medicine, Power and Religion (York Medieval Press, 2021) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Hans Hummer, Politics and Power in Early Medieval Europe: Alsace and the Frankish Realm, 600–1000 (Cambridge University Press, 2005) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Adin Lears, World of Echo: Noise and Knowing in Late Medieval England (Cornell University Press, 2020) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Kate Heslop, Viking Mediologies. A New History of Scaldic Poetics (Fordham University Press, 2022) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2025

Mediterranean Studies

  • Justin Stearns, Infectious Ideas: Contagion in Premodern Islamic and Christian Thought in the Western Mediterranean (Johns Hopkins, 2011) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Eric Dursteler and Monique O’Connell, The Mediterranean World: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Napoleon (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Hakim Abderrezak, Ex-Centric Migrations: Europe and the Maghreb in Mediterranean Cinema, Literature, and Music (Indiana University Press, 2016) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2025


  • Anna Maria Busse Berger, Medieval Music and the Art of Memory (University of California Press, 2019) Published in Russian in 2023
  • Laurenz Luetteken, Musik der Renaissance (Music of the Renaissance: Imagination and Reality of a Cultural Practice) (Bärenreiter, 2011) Published in Russian in 2023
  • Bella Brover-Lubovsky, Tonal Space in the Music of Antonio Vivaldi  (Indiana University Press, 2008) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Alexander Rehding, Music and Monumentality: Commemoration and Wonderment in Nineteenth-Century Germany (Oxford University Press, 2009) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Mark Evan Bonds, The Beethoven Syndrome. Hearing Music as Autobiography (Oxford University Press, 2020) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Joy H. Calico, Arnold Schoenberg’s A Survivor from Warsaw in Postwar Europe (University of California Press, 2014) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024

Military History

  • Christy Pichichero, The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon (Cornell University Press, 2021) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023

Visual Art

  • Paroma Chatterjee, Between the Pagan Past and Christian Present in Byzantine Visual Culture (Cambridge University Press, 2022) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Kristoffer Neville, The Art and Culture of Scandinavian Central Europe, 1550–1720 (Penn State University Press, 2019) Published in Russian in 2023


  • Margot Morgan, Politics and Theatre in Twentieth-Century Europe: Imagination and Resistance (Springer, 2013) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023


  • Wim Klooster, The Dutch Moment: War, Trade, and Settlement in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World (Cornell University Press, 2016) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Emily Marker, Black France, White Europe: Youth, Race, and Belonging in the Postwar Era (Cornell University Press, 2022) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024
  • Madeleine Dobie, Trading Places: Colonization and Slavery in Eighteenth-Century French Culture (Cornell University Press, 2010) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2024

East Central Europe

  • Steven Seegel, Map Men: Transnational Lives and Deaths of Geographers in the Making of East Central Europe (The University of Chicago Press, 2018) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023
  • Martin Kohlrausch, The Brokers of Modernity: East Central Europe and the Rise of Modernist Architects, 1910-1950 (Leuven University Press, 2019) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2023


  • Dominique Meda & Patricia Vendramin Réinventer le travail (Reinventing Work in Europe: Value, Generations and Labour) (Presses Universitaires de France, 2013) Published in Russian in 2022
  • James Vernon, Distant Strangers: How Britain Became Modern (University of California Press, 2014) Russian-language translation forthcoming 2025