Series Editor: David Patterson (University of Texas at Dallas)
Academic Studies Press is pleased to announce a new series in Antisemitism Studies. This series will feature original studies with a focus on the many facets of the perennial phenomenon of antisemitism. Dedicated to excellence and innovation in both monographs and edited volumes, the series welcomes contributions from scholars in history, theology, sociology, philosophy, literature, psychology, political science, and other disciplines. Given the historical, geographical, and ideological pervasiveness of Jew hatred, the series is open to investigations of all periods and places where antisemitism has surfaced. Periods range from pre-Christian to Christian, from post-Christian to nationalist, from National Socialist to Jihadist, and beyond. Places range from America to the Middle East, from Europe to Asia, from Africa to South America, and beyond.
Search Results
Unity and Diversity in Contemporary Antisemitism
The Bristol–Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Antisemitism
ISBN: 9781618119667
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Pub Date: 2019-10-29
Antisemitism Today and Tomorrow
Global Perspectives on the Many Faces of Contemporary Antisemitism
ISBN: 9781618117441
Publisher: Academic Studies Press
Pub Date: 2018-11-14