ENG: Elise Anne DeVido is Dean of International Affairs and Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of Religion and Humanities at Tzu Chi University in Hualian, Taiwan. Her field is modern Buddhism in China and in Vietnam, with special focus on women. She has an ongoing interest in Humanistic Buddhism and comparative hagiography and biography. She holds a doctorate in History and East Asian Languages from Harvard University and she has taught courses in history and historiography Taiwan, the United States, and China.
RUS: Элиза де Видо — декан факультета международных отношений и доцент Высшего института религии и гуманитарных наук Университета Цзы Чи в Хуаляне, Тайвань. Ее специализация — современный буддизм в Китае и во Вьетнаме. Она получила докторскую степень по истории и восточноазиатским языкам в Гарвардском университете. Преподавала курсы истории и историографии в Тайване, США и Китае.