Vol. Two: Christian Majority - Jewish Minority
I Under One Roof
1. The Papal Monarchy as Viewed by Medieval Jews
2. Terminologie politique en hebreu médiéval: Jalons pour un glossaire
3. L’anthroponomie dans le monde juif
II Jurisprudence and Legal Practice
1. Droit féodal et législation rabbinique : la cuisson du pain chez les juifs au moyen âge
2. Jews in the Christian Courts of Provence in the Middle Ages (Hebrew)
3. Jews ‘Separated from the Communion of the Faithful in Christ’ in the Middle Ages
4. Christian ‘Excommunication’ of Jews : Some Further Clarifications
III Quests for Holy Shrines
1. Jews, Pilgrimage, and the Christian Cult of Saints: Benjamin of Tudela and his Contemporaries
2. In Search of a ‘Jewish Compostela’: Benjamin of Tudela and Petrachia of Regensburg
IV Hostility and Persecutions
1. L’Inquisition et les Juifs de Provence
2. Church Articles: Pawns in the Hands of Jewish Moneylenders
3. Les Juifs de Provence pendant la peste noire
4. Desecrating the Holy Cross: A Rare Medieval Accusation (Hebrew)
5. Profaner la Sainte-Croix : une rare accusation anti-juive au moyen âge
V. Converts: Church Vs. State
1. Jewish Converts to Christianity in Medieval Europe 1200–1500
2. Converts and Judaizers in the Early Fourteenth Century
3. Paulus Christiani : Un aspect de son activité anti-juive
4. Did Nicholas Donin Promulgate the Blood Libel? (Hebrew)