The fundamental book of Eliezer Schweid is a modern interpretation of the Bible as narrative and law which can reopen the dialogue of contemporary Jews with the Bible, from which a dynamic Jewish culture can continue to draw its inspiration. The approach draws at the same time from the philosophical modernism of Hermann Cohen, the dialogical philosophy of Buber, the religious phenomenology of Heschel, and the insights of contemporary Biblical scholars, including literary analysts of the Bible. Schweid helps us to appreciate the broader message of the narrative of creation and settlement of the land in its ecumenical and planetary dimensions. The world is God’s creation, and its resources are to be deployed as necessary for the sustenance and need-fulfillment of all peoples and all creatures equally—a message very much relevant to the ecological crisis facing us all at the present time.
Preface. Schweid’s Crossroads and our Own. The Uses of “Culture”. The Bible and Culture—Word of God and Word of Man. Divine Action Frames Human Action. Introduction. Modern Jewish Culture’s Relation to the Bible: Creative Mediating Interpretation Jewish Scholarship as a Factor in Jewish Modernization. Spinoza’s and Mendelssohn’s Contributions to the Modern Approach to the Bible. Vicissitudes of Jewish Culture in the Modern and Post-Modern Eras. There Is No Substitute for Long-Term Cultural Memory. What Makes the Bible Unique? Towards a Contemporary Plain-Sense Interpretation / Is the Bible One Book? Philosophy of the Biblical Narrative Is There Philosophy in the Bible? Prophecy: Speaking and Hearing, Seeing, Fear and Knowledge. Faith and its Basis in the Revelation of the Power of Divine Creativity that Governs Nature. A Dialogue of Sights and Seeings, Utterances and Hearings. Creation, Making, Bringing Forth, Saying, Seeing and Knowing in the Creation Narrative. Is There Science in the Bible? Human Destiny According to the Creation Narrative. The Dimension of Time: Transition from the Coming-into-Being of the World to Historical Time. Crossroads of Human History: From Covenantal Morality to Idolatrous Mores. Vision and Fulfi llment: Pattern of a Second Beginning Canaan and Israel. Personal Development of the Patriarchs, and Development of the People toward the Fulfillment of their Destiny. From Sin to Destiny: Stories of Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarah. “They Shall Keep the Way of the Lord, by Doing What Is Just and Right” (Genesis 18:19). “True Kindness” . From the Laughter of Happiness to Fear and Trembling. The Perfect World of the Dream versus the Contradictions of Waking Reality. Punishment of False Justice, and Resourcefulness Converting Injustice to Kindness. The Consciousness of Chosenness for Mission, and the Problem of Unity and Integration in the Family of Nations. Descent for the Sake of Ascent — the Way to Exile and Slavery. The Crossroads of Israel’s History and the Descent into Egypt. Simeon and Levi. Joseph. Judah. Raising History to the Plane of Myth. Moses’ Preparation for His Destiny: From Observer-Seer to Pastor-Overseer. Fear and Lovingkindness in the Crisis of Dedication to Mission: The Idea of Sanctifi cation. The Justice Implanted in Creation Returns to Its Foundation. Index.