Founded in 1841, the London-based Jewish Chronicle is the world’s oldest continuously circulating Jewish newspaper. Since 2002 its prestigious flagship “Comment” column has been written by Oxford-educated Dr. Geoffrey Alderman, the leading authority on the Jews of modern Britain, a prolific and controversial scholar whose views have attracted warm support and sweeping condemnation in equal measure. This anthology brings together over a hundred of his Jewish Chronicle op-eds on subjects as diverse as Jewish Orthodoxy, Ultra-Orthodoxy, Non-Orthodoxy, Islamic Judeophobia, Islamophobia and Jewish approaches to politics and sex. “I have tried to be funny,” Alderman declares, “when occasion has seemed to me to warrant the deployment of a certain humour, which can be a valuable didactic tool and a powerful medium of communication. I have on occasion employed sarcasm and irony. But I have always tried to be scrupulously accurate as to facts, and to locate my comment within that groundwork. Above all, true to my vocation as a rebel who has refused to toe the communal line, I have always presented a point of view that is unashamedly mine.”
Preface. I. The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council. Disband this body of (un) representatives. Uncharitable thoughts of hidden agendas. Only one Jewish View? You must be joking. Joint statement that is not so joint. The Board, a true history. A seasonal game of follow my leader. II. British Jews and British Politics. Labouring under an old misapprehension. Why Tory success will get Liberals going. the self-confident and the self-hating. Voting tactics can have a moral basis. Pernicious pits of popular prejudice. So, now it's over, how was it for us? Israel's role in a PM's downfall. Jewish roots of Blair's Labour... Let Lord Levy speak his mind. Our 150 years of wasted power. III. Kenneth Robert Livingstone. Night mayor? Livingstone, I presume. Just one more sordid career move. Why not to vote for Livingstone. Ken lost us, then lost London. IV. Orthodoxy and Non-Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy has no need of these 'bans'. UK's strong signs of middle-Jewry spread. The odour of rabbinic politics. 'Greatest' too great for the top job? Dream on, you Progressive Jews. British Jewry does not exist. I worry about Masorti outreach. Playing the numbers game. A Reform Chief Rabbinate soon? V. Orthodoxy and Ultra-Orthodoxy. Gossipy blot on the charitable landscape. North-Eastern authority is not just local. Voted out, staying out and crashing out. More of those splinters of our discontent. Testing that fails some fundamental tests. It is most reasonable to take days off. Slander, hypocrisy, error and jealousy. On patrol with the modesty police. The extremists are taking over. School built on dubious foundations. Holy doesn't mean above the law. Why not support this lively cause? The treif chickens of Monsey. Club debacle sets off alarm bells. Fund intolerance? No thanks. We all need a secular education. VI. Jonathan Henry Sacks. A decade of unfulfilled communal aims. No Mohammed nor mountain but a move. Public matters need a public airing. Just a little more thought for the day. Chief Rabbis and moving experiences. The Chief's cynical about-turn. VII. Israel and its Enemies. Deep-rooted nature of anti-Jewish views. On truths not universally acknowledged. Blaming the medium for the message. Water Minister turning on the wrong tap. Tawdry text messages for our time. Pay attention at the back there! A UN paper so biased it's funny. Human shields can cover up many things. There's a PA in Patten and a Patten in PA. Let us have some real Palestinian justice. So, Dr. Waite, what of 'so-called' evil? More raspberry - than whistle-blower. Murky business from start to Finnish. Disturbing turns in pulpits and theses. Verdict endorsing cant and hypocrisy. Money and justice are seldom in tune. A message from the synod... Restrictions on Arabs aren't racist. Lebanon is guilty of apartheid. Defending Israel? Don't be nice. A revisionist revises his views. VIII. The Problem with Islam. A massacre and the roots of revenge. Truth will provoke the loudest anger. Terror measures are way off target. Our view of evil must not be clouded. Mistaken responses to acts of war. Murderers, minorities and majorities. 'Honour,' it seems is a relative term. Danish cartoons are not bad taste. Will Muslim leaders speak out? Muslims are not the 'new Jews.' Keep extremists out of college. My hostility to Islam is rational. IX. Islamic Judeophobia. Stop crying wolf but don't stop crying. either a catastrophe or a conspiracy. Heed these dire words... How Arabs conspired in the Shoah. The blood libel flows on Nile TV. Muslim dialogue? Don't bother. Police failed us over imam racism. Iranians are in denial on Israel. X. With Friends Like These... Trembling on secular side of fence. Offstage playwright's skewed views. Different wavelengths on the radio. JPR loses mind in choice of new head. My relative who's a hit in Tehran. We're not a 'people'? Outrageous. XI. Exposing Myths. Integrity rather than flattery in memorium. Rabbit-like response to Resettlement. Cable Street Heroics are a myth. Maimonides was a racist. XII. Nazism. Salutary German (and history) lessons. How inconvenient the truth can be. One more step the Pope should take. Grubby fingerprints on old paintings. XIII. Sex. No sex education, please - we're frum. Victims of the violent victims of stress. Even with many sinners, a sin is still a sin. It is not a sin to visit a prostitute. Gay adoption undermines us. Mr. Gay Israel is welcome here. XIV. Islamophobia. An 'invasion' that should not be repelled. Human rights should apply to all humans. This liberation is a form of repression. Is our beth din the model for Sharia courts?