Table of Contents
Part One. Structure
1. Chaining as a Shaping Feature of Tannaitic Source Text
2. Chaining as a Structuring Means of the Sugya in the Talmud Bavli
3. The Tripartite Structure in Sugyot from Tractate Eruvin of the Talmud Bavli
Part Two. Language
4. Different Readings, Different Meanings: A Dialogue between R. Jose the Galilean and Beruriah the Leader
5. Ancient Aramaic and Its Use in the Biblical Translation, Targum Onqelos
6. Towards a Talmudic Lexicon: The Aramaic Root ק.פ.י / q.f.y in the Light of a Story from the Talmud Bavli
Part Three. Redaction
7. An Opposing School of Redaction in the Talmud Bavli Suggested
8. Objectives of Sugyot—A Study of the Redaction of the Talmud Bavli as Reflected in Three Sugyot of Tractate Eruvin
9. The Methodology Utilized in the Redaction of the Tripartite Structure of Sugyot from Tractate Eruvin in the Talmud Bavli
Part Four. Halakha
10. Land Surveying Tube in Early Judaism
11. Applying General Rules of Halakha in Halakhic Exegesis
12. R. Joḥanan’s Attitude towards His Principles of Halakhic Arbitration
Part Five. Appendix: Peace and Judaism
13. Revisiting Contemporary Judaism in Modern Israel
14. The Argumentation for Contemporary Peacemaking Efforts According to Jewish Tradition
15. The Concept of Peace in the Pentateuch
Selected Bibliography
Subject Index
Source Index
List of First Publication