Introduction—My Way to (Neo) Ḥasidism
Early Ḥasidism
Chapter 1 “What happened, happened”: R. Ya’akov Yosef of Polonnoye on Ḥasidic Interpretation
Chapter 2 The Case of Jewish Arianism: The Pre-existence of the Ẓaddik in Early Ḥasidism
Chapter 3 The Intolerance of Tolerance: Maḥaloket (Controversy) and Redemption in Early Ḥasidism
Chapter 4 The Ritual Is Not the Hunt: The Seven Wedding Blessings, Redemption, and Jewish Ritual as Fantasy in R. Shneur Zalman of Liady
Chapter 5 Nature, Exile, and Disability in R. Nahman of Bratslav’s “The Tale of the Seven Beggars”
Later Ḥasidism
Chapter 6 Modernity as Heresy: The Introvertive Piety of Faith in R. Areleh Roth’s Shomer Emunim
Chapter 7 The Holocaust as Inverted Miracle: R. Shalom Noah Barzofsky of Slonim on the Divine Nature of Radical Evil
Chapter 8 The Divine/Human Messiah and Religious Deviance: Rethinking Ḥabad Messianism
Chapter 9 Covenantal Rupture and Broken Faith in R. Kalonymus Kalman Shapira’s Eish Kodesh
Chapter 10 American Jewish Fundamentalism: Ḥabad, Satmar, ArtScroll