Introduction: Fiction beyond Fiction: Dostoevsky’s Quest for Realism
Vladimir Golstein and Svetlana Evdokimova
I. Encounters with Science
1. Darwin, Dostoevsky, and Russia’s Radical Youth
David Bethea and Victoria Thorstensson
2. Darwin’s Plots, Malthus’s Mighty Feast, Lamennais’s Motherless Fledglings, and Dostoevsky’s Lost Sheep
Liza Knapp
3. “Viper will eat viper”: Dostoevsky, Darwin, and the Possibility of Brotherhood
Anna A. Berman
4. Encounters with the Prophet: Ivan Pavlov, Serafima Karchevskaia, and “Our Dostoevsky”
Daniel P. Todes
II. Engagements with Philosophy
5. Dostoevsky and the Meaning of “the Meaning of Life”
Steven Cassedy
6. Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: The Hazards of Writing Oneself into (or out of) Belief
David S. Cunningham
7. Dostoevsky as Moral Philosopher
Charles Larmore
8. “If there’s no immortality of the soul . . . everything is lawful”: On the Philosophical Basis of Ivan Karamazov’s Idea
Sergei A. Kibalnik
III. Questions of Aesthetics
9. Once Again about Dostoevsky’s Response to Hans Holbein the Younger’s Dead Body of Christ in the Tomb
Robert L. Jackson
10. Prelude to a Collaboration: Dostoevsky’s Aesthetic Polemic with Mikhail Katkov
Susanne Fusso
11. Dostoevsky’s Postmodernists and the Poetics of Incarnation
Svetlana Evdokimova
IV. The Self and the Other
12. What Is It Like to Be Bats? Paradoxes of The Double
Gary Saul Morson
13. Interiority and Intersubjectivity in Dostoevsky: The Vasya Shumkov Paradigm
Yuri Corrigan
14. Dostoevsky’s Angel—Still an Idiot, Still beyond the Story: The Case of Kalganov
Michal Oklot
15. The Detective as Midwife in Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment
Vladimir Golstein
16. Metaphors for Solitary Confinement in Notes from Underground and Notes from the House of the Dead
Carol Apollonio
17. Moral Emotions in Dostoevsky’s “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
Deborah A. Martinsen
18. Like a Shepherd to His Flock: The Messianic Pedagogy of Fyodor Dostoevsky—Its Sources and Conceptual Echoes
Inessa Medzhibovskaya
V. Intercultural Connections
19. Achilles in Crime and Punishment
Donna Orwin
20. Raskolnikov and the Aqedah (Isaac’s Binding)
Olga Meerson
21. Prince Myshkin’s Night Journey: Chronotope as a Symptom
Marina Kostalevsky