Preface: Shaul Magid
Chapter 1: Prelude: New Skin for Post-Secular Philosophy of Circum/fession
Chapter 2: On Exile As Redemption in (Canadian) Jewish Mysticism
Chapter 3: From Darkness, A Love of All This: Seeking Sacred in Post-Secular Song
Chapter 4: Tangle of Matter & Ghost: Objective Spirit & Non-Dual Reality
Chapter 5: A Question of Pure Consciousness in the Priestly Blessing of Love
Chapter 6: Amen to American Agnosticism
Chapter 7: Nothing as Whole as a Broken Middle Matzah
Chapter 8: Falling with Our Angels, So Human
Chapter 9: “An Appetite for Something Like Religion”: Unbinding the Binding of Isaac, Jesus Christ & Joan of Arc through Zen
Chapter 10: Standing Where There Used to Be a Street: 9/11 Post-Secularism & Sacred Song
Chapter 11: Never Mind this Neuzeit, Here’s Kaddish: Between the Nameless & the Name
Chapter 12: Coda: A Philosophy of Post-Secular Song in Light of Piyyut as a Cultural Lens
Postface: Elliot R. Wolfson